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Introduce disposable medical devices for sale

 2019-08-26 | View:287

The disposable medical devices are instruments, equipment, devices, in vitro diagnostic reagents and calibrations, materials and other similar or related items, including the required computer software, that are used directly or indirectly in the human body. The utility is obtained mainly through physical means, not pharmacology, immunology, or metabolism, or, although these methods are involved but only in a complementary role.

disposable medical devices

The disposable medical devices industry involves medicine, machinery, electronics, plastics and other industries, is a multidisciplinary cross-cutting, knowledge-intensive, capital-intensive high-tech industry. The basic characteristics of high-tech medical equipment are digitalization and computerization, is the crystallization of multi-disciplinary, cross-disciplinary modern high-tech, its product technology content is high, high profit, so it is the major scientific and technological countries, international large-scale companies competing with each other's commanding heights, the threshold of intervention is high.

Even in the industry as a whole low gross margin, investment is not high sub-industry will continue to have high-tech products, and from which to breed some enterprises with strong profitability. Therefore, the overall trend of the industry is high investment, high returns.

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