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Did you do the right way to using disposable Syringe with needle?

 2023-02-06 | View:301

Many patients with diabetes may have problems in the way they use disposable Syringe with needle. How to use disposable Syringe with needle correctly, let's take a look at it.

Disposable Syringe with needle

Insulin is used for insulin injection for diabetic patients, which is subcutaneously injected. The injection method is:

1. Step 1 Prepare the insulin dose you need to inject and install the syringe needle.

2. Step 2 Find the injection site and disinfect it with alcohol.

3. Step 3: Fix it with one hand, the skin around the injection site, and insert the needle into the site with the other hand and inject insulin.

4, Step 4 and other drug injection, stop the injection should be about 10 seconds apart, and then quickly pull out the needle.

Generally, patients should eat within half an hour after insulin injection, because if the interval is too long, the short-acting insulin inside will start to take effect, if not eaten in time may cause significant hypoglycemia. Another kind of insulin is called fast-acting insulin, fast-acting insulin it refers to the effect of the time is faster, generally after the injection of ten to fifteen minutes began to take effect, so play this kind of insulin patients, after the injection of insulin, can eat in about ten minutes.

The above is how to use disposable insulin syringes. It is safer and faster to use disposable insulin syringes. If you need to buy disposable Syringe with needle, please contact us.

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