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The application of disposable Sterile injection needles

 2019-07-31 | View:344

Disposable Sterile injection needles are a common medical appliance. As early as the 15th century, the principle of the syringe was proposed. The needle or the liquid is mainly extracted or injected.

Disposable sterile injection needles can also be used in medical devices, containers, and scientific instruments such as some chromatographic instruments to inject through a rubber diaphragm.

Disposable Sterile injection needles.jpg

The emergence of disposable sterile injection needles is an epoch-making revolution in the field of medical appliances. The emergence of syringes is an epoch-making revolution in the field of medical appliances and the process of needle extraction or infusion of gas or liquid is called injection. The syringe consists of a syringe with a small hole at the front end and a matching piston rod for injecting a small amount of liquid into the area that is inaccessible to other methods or from those places. The liquid is pulled out when the core rod is pulled out. Or the gas is drawn in from the small hole at the front end of the barrel, and the liquid or gas is squeezed out when the core rod is pushed in.

Disposable sterile injection needles consist of a syringe with a small hole at the front end and a matching piston rod for injecting a small amount of liquid into the area that is inaccessible by other methods or extracting from those places, pulling out the core rod at the time, the liquid or gas is sucked from the small hole at the front end of the barrel, and the liquid or gas is squeezed out when the core rod is pushed in. It is widely used in medicine.

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